Corporate safety vision

Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Policy

Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Policy

Motto Auction (Thailand) Company Limited (“the Company”) has determined the vision to become a leading value-oriented auto auction, auto remarketing, logistics, data business in Thailand. We realized that safety, occupational health and good working environment are vital for our employees, partners, suppliers, and visitors. Thus, the Safety, Occupational health and Working Environment Policy is stipulated as follows:

1. The Company has developed the safety, occupational health and working environment management system in compliance with the laws, international standards and other regulations and requirements that have been applied and practiced on regular and sustainable manner to cultivate safety mind in workplace among our employees, partners, suppliers, visitors and those working in the Company’s premises.

2. The Company regards that safety is the duty and responsibility of all employees. Supervisors at all levels have to act as role models leading, supporting and encouraging their subordinates to be aware of safety at work. Also, they have to oversee the operations of the employees, partners, suppliers, visitors and those working in the Company’s premises to strictly follow the safety and occupational health rules and regulations for maximum safety in all operating processes.

3. The Company will encourage and support the participation of employees, partners, suppliers, visitors and those working in its premises in the implementation of safety, occupational health and good working environment practices.

4. The Company realizes the substance if prevention and risks assessment of hazards and environment impacts and will therefore introduce and undertake all necessary measures to ensure the efficiency of prevention and correction system.

5. The Company will provide its employees at all levels with relevant knowledge and build up their awareness of the serious nature and importance of occupational health and safety, a good working environment policies and practicable solutions.

6. The Company will monitor and assess the implementations according to safety, occupational health and working environment policy deployed in the annual plan in order for active and efficient actions.

7. The Company will provide proper resources including budget, time, personnel and relevant sources in the implementation according to the safety, occupational health and working environment management system.

Appointment of Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Committee

The Company appointed the Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Committee in compliance with Ministerial Regulation on the Prescribing of Standard for Administration and Management of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment B.E. 2549, with detail summarized as follows:

The Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Committee comprises the Chairperson and committee members including representatives of the employers, representative of the employees and a secretary.

The Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Committee shall perform duties and have responsibilities as follows:

1. To consider the policy and the work plan regarding safety for work and non-work activities in order to prevent and reduce accident, hazards, illness, annoyance or other unpleasant situation caused by work or other unsafe working condition before presenting to the Management.

2. To report and submit measures or improvement and amendment guidelines to the Management in compliance with the law and standards related to safety at work in order to promote the safety for employees, suppliers and outsiders working or visiting the Company’s premise.

3. To promote and support the safe working activities of the Company.

4. To consider the safety requirements and manual as well as the Company’s standard on safety at work before submitting to the Management.

5. To inspect the operational performance related to the work safety and compile statistics of any accident occurred in the office at least once a month.

6. To consider the project or training programs regarding the safety at work as well as the project or training program related to roles and responsibilities of employees, heads, executives and staff at all levels to promote safety before giving suggestions to the Management.

7. To systemize the report on unsafe working conditions to be a duty that must be complied by all employees.

8. To follow up the progress of all related issues submitted to the Management.

9. To annually submit the report on the operational performance as well as identifying problems or difficulty and giving suggestions regarding the Committee’s operation to the Management.

10. To conduct the Company’s work safety assessment.

11. To perform other safety-related duties as designated by the Management.

Announcement date: October 25, 2019
