About us

The leader in the most advanced auction technology in Thailand.


To deliver great value added serviced to the auto industry in the Kingdom of Thailand.

Our Mission

To provide best products and services that simplify the trusted exchange of vehicles and maximise value for our clients in the Thai automotive marketplace.

Our Values

Our values include:

  • Our customers are our life blood
  • Our employees are our most important resource
  • We are innovative
  • We value diversity and inclusion
  • We make a positive difference in our community


At Motto Auction our ethics are specific. We have embraced and continue to embrace the ultimate good as we go about our daily work of building our business, serving our communities and interacting with each other. Indeed, we believe that the manner in which we accomplish our work is as important as the work itself.


Honest, fair and loyal business relationships are built upon mutual respect. We strive to treat our employees with consideration and thoughtfulness and expect them to treat each other the same way. This extends to our relationships with those outside the company, including advertisers, subscribers, customers, vendors, shareholders and all others with whom we conduct our business.


All employees are expected to uphold the letter and spirit of the law, as well as the rules and regulations that govern our businesses. If you have any questions about how to make sure that you are complying with the law, please contact the company. Areas that you may need to be especially aware of include:

Fair Treatment. Fair treatment of others is essential to the way we conduct business. Motto uction respects its employees and expects them to respect one another. Any illegal employment discrimination or harassment is prohibited.

Antitrust. Antitrust policies help to ensure fair and normal business competition by prohibiting such activities as price fixing, price discrimination and certain product purchase requirements. Cox Enterprises employees should not enter into any agreements or arrangements with other parties (competitors, vendors, customers, etc.) that could illegally limit or restrict competition.

Consumer Protection Regulations. Our auctions and online sales channels follow the principles of the Thai Consumer Protection Agency and the Competion Act.


Motto Auction strives to conduct business in a fair and reasonable way. We expect our organization to not only play by the rules, but also to avoid any appearance of unfair partiality or improper behavior. We avoid conflicts of interest. Polices, rules, procedures & checkpoints at Motto auction not permit staff or family of a staff member to benefit personally from their position with the Company. For example, gifts or money from a competitor, customer or vendor that could influence actions at work, then a conflict of interest would exist. Other instances to avoid include situations in which a family member or close friend is bidding to be a service provider or vendor for the Company. In such cases, staff will not be directly involved in the selection process. In some instances, offering or accepting money or gifts to influence business arrangements is bribery, which is improper and illegal.


At Motto Auction, our work activities should always be for the benefit of the Company. Business opportunities should not be used for personal gain. Company property and information must not be misused. Staff are not permitted to compete with the Company nor steal or misuse any of its assets.


Integrity is grounded in the truth. Motto Auction employees always should be truthful in every situation. Motto Auction does not retaliate against employees who truthfully report misconduct or problems in the workplace. Truthfulness extends to all accounting and financial reporting activities. We do not falsify documents, records or accounting books, nor do we ever interfere with, manipulate, or mislead any auditor reviewing financial material.


Many of the laws relating to business practices and activities are complicated and can be confusing. Moreover, we know that many issues and situations may not be covered by the principles discussed in these guidelines. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact a representative of the company for further guidance.
