Term and Conditions of mottoauction.com

    ("Company") would like to thank all users who visit and use various transaction services through the company's website to build trust. And understand about With the use of the company's website the company would like to inform that the company has a policy to protect personal data for every person of the user as follows

Disclaimer policy
    Information that the company receives from you the company will bring to develop modify and improve the efficiency of the company's website. And to maximize benefits for users Presenting information, news, articles, or any other messages either run out on the website. This is only the service of collecting first and second hand cars, academic database and knowledge in various fields.

    Including a forum to express opinions or exchange information between users only. Therefore, the company requests no responsibility for the accuracy of those information, news, articles, or any other content provided on this website.

    In addition, the company will not be liable for the accuracy of the information in the advertisement of used cars, such as pictures, prices and specifications, so interested parties should contact directly with the seller (car tent) or car manufacturer about the correct information. Agreements to buy and sell used cars advertising with the company. An agreement between the buyer and the seller (tent). The company has no interest in any transaction at all. Therefore, the company is not responsible for any events that may occur in that transaction.

    The Company would like to inform users that all text, images, sound, content and any components, all or just parts of the website, including but not limited to trademarks service marks, names, trade names, patents, knowledge, skills, expertise, etc. that appear on this website are works that are protected by Thai intellectual property laws. If anyone is copying, imitating, copying, reproducing, disseminating to the public, selling, renting, or doing any act in a way that is exploitation. Commercial or improper benefits by any means mentioned above Without permission, the company will proceed according to the law With the right infringer immediately.

Privacy Policy
    Website mottoauction.com (Hereinafter referred to as the "Website") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. And the most important thing for us is to protect the confidentiality of any personal information And all you revealed to us ou, our visitors or our users have the right to know and understand the privacy practices of our data before disclosing any personal information.

By using our services, you agree to let us use your personal information as specified in this policy.

We have a policy to publish various changes. In the privacy policy on this website page We therefore recommend that you check the changes regularly.

What information do we collect?
We collect information that you provide, such as names or details of email addresses. And information related to website usage statistics such as which pages of the website visited.

Data usage
We will use information about you that we have in the following:

  1. To confirm that you are authorized to access certain features
  2. To help you access and use various services that you choose to receive
  3. To analyze user behavior and trends in order to improve and understand how users use our services
  4. To create a collection of non-personally identifiable information which will be used to make business decisions and increase service efficiency of mottoauction.com
  5. To contact you:
    • As you notify us to proceed or to answer various questions that you send to us
    • If necessary, we may notify you of changes or improvements to our services.
    • To send confirmation and booking notifications Notices or newsletters that you apply for including sending to your mobile phone
    • To send marketing emails about our services or the services of our partners from the address of mottoauction.com. When you choose to request the service or as permitted by law. You can unsubscribe from these emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link that appears at the bottom of the email.

Disclosure of your information
We will never sell your personal information to any third parties. Sometimes we may share or present your personal information to third parties when we are required to do by law. If necessary we may disclose your personal information to prevent, investigate or prosecute illegal or suspected illegal activities. Or prevent damage or respond to legal actions or enforce our rights and claims.

In addition, we may disclose your personal information if necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or other agreements. Or disclosed to prospective buyers and final buyers in the event that mottoauction.com (Or part of our business) is sold out.

We may share aggregated anonymous data with others.

Data storage
We store all the personal information you provide on our secure servers. Currently, our servers are in Thailand. We have sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the security of your personal information.

But it's a shame because data transmission over the internet has never been really secure although we do our best to protect your personal information. But we can't guarantee that the information you submit on our website or other mottoauction.com services are safe. You are at risk of sending personal information when we receive your personal information. We will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent the use of such information.

Cookie Policy
When you click on the site of mottoauction.com or use our service you will receive one or many cookies automatically. The initial purpose for which we use cookies is to ensure that we provide the best service possible.

What is cookie
Cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.

Blocking and deleting cookies
Your browser will allow you to block or delete unwanted cookies if you wish to do so. Please refer to your browser's "Help" for more information. Please note that blocking all cookies will have a negative effect on the ability to use many websites. Including our own website, so we encourage you to allow cookies when using our website.

Our cookies
Cookies on our website may be set by us. Third parties contracting with us or independent third parties such as advertising companies.

Our site makes use of both "session" and "permanent" cookies. "Session" cookies remember information from one page to another in order to filter the search and complete the search before that cookie. Will be removed from the device when you terminate the session. The "persistent" cookie will help our website remember you when you return to our website. This cookie will remain on your computer until you delete it. Or until the expiration of the specified date.

The information below shows the different types of cookies we use, why we (or the third parties involved) use cookies, and the information you can use to control and learn more about the cookies used on our site.
A) Cookies that help to provide the services that users want (For example Displaying the information you are most likely to like)
B) Cookies designed to improve website performance by collecting information from a variety of topics, such as accessing the user's website (or which page of the website that is most read), is called a storage cookie.
C) The type of cookie remembers your choices when visiting the website, such as your membership status. Or being a new visitor etc.
D) Cookies that store information about your website connection behavior, which are called specific cookies, targeting groups, and advertising by specifying the target audience with banner ads that the creator thinks are of interest of website users as measured by browser logs from those cookies and sharing Information shared with third parties such as advertisers.

Third party website
Service of mottoauction.com contains links to third-party websites but we are not responsible for the privacy practices of third party websites. When you stop or stop using the service of mottoauction.com we encourage you to read the privacy statements / policies of every third party website. Webs that collect personal information from you.

We may have the option for you to export data to third-party applications and websites. Including social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter so you can experience useful social experiences while using the service of mottoauction.com When exporting the said data that means that you may be disclosing your information to other people or other organizations responsible for the operation and maintenance of applications and other third-party sites that come in to view or use the app. Those applications or sites may access your data. We do not own or manage the applications or websites you connect to. And you should review the privacy policy of that website to ensure that You are satisfied with the way those websites use the information you give to them.

Accessing your personal information
You have the right to ask us not to process your personal information for marketing purposes. You can exercise rights in this matter by selecting the box on the form that we use to collect your information or contact us at any time. You may choose not to receive marketing emails by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of that email.

In the event that you are a user of our service that requires login you can handle some of your information. Including personal preferences can be obtained from the "Account" section on our website.

Website owner contact information:
Under any exceptions under applicable law, you may request access or correction or correction of your personal information at any time or restrict the processing of your personal information or find additional information from motto auction by contacting:

Send us your suggestions.

In terms of your right to access and / or amend your personal information, motto auction has the right to impose administrative fees, deny your requests to access and / or edit your personal information for reasons permitted by law such as In the event that the cost of providing access to you is not proportional to the risk to your privacy.

Motto auction terms and conditions

To access, view and / or use www.mottoauction.com and / or use of any services. Proposed or procured you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Motto auction (the "Terms and Conditions") as follows:

General terms and conditions
• Motto Auction (Thailand) Company Limited is the website owner. mottoauction.com ("Motto Auction Website") which is managed by Motto Auction (Thailand) Company Limited, affiliated companies, subsidiaries, or related companies in the Motto Auction group of companies. (hereinafter referred to as "Motto Auction")

• Motto Auction is an online platform provider that allows other service providers to offer and / or advertise their services to customers and match the needs between users and / or customers. ("Hereinafter referred to as the" Customers ") and between the service provider and the customer on the Motto Auction website, in which access, viewing, use, membership or posts on the website you agree to be bound by all terms and conditions. Privacy policy notifications any notices and or any statement of the Motto Auction that is continuously posted on the Motto Auction website.

• Motto Auction reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions at the discretion of Motto Auction without notice. Accessing or using the Motto Auction website and / or the Motto Auction service after the change is considered acceptance of changes to these terms and conditions.

• Motto Auction (Thailand) Company Limited ("Motto Auction ") and / or its affiliated companies is a business partner of Motto Auction which provides various services on Motto Auction website, Motto Auction terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of use of the website Of Motto Auction and the services of Motto Auction and / or its affiliates Will become effective when customers choose to receive services Or use any of Motto Auction services.

• When accessing, viewing and / or using the service on Motto Auction website, customer’s guarantee that they do not violate or evade the law, morals, rights of third parties or the system of Motto Auction, whether in any time.

• Motto Auction reserves the right to change, remove or restrict access to customer information on the Moto Option website without prior notice and without giving any reasons.

• Motto Auction reserves the right to transfer the rights and duties of Motto Auction in whole or in part to third parties without notice or consent from the customer.

• Customer rights are subject to the laws and terms and conditions of the Motto Auction. The customer understands and accepts Motto Auction terms and conditions, interpretation, enforcement or any arguments arising from Motto Auction terms and conditions will only be interpreted and decided by Motto Auction.

• If any of the terms and conditions of Motto Auction action are not valid, void, binding or unenforceable provide other requirements is still in effect as if there were no invalid provisions, invalid, no binding or unenforceable at all.

• All disputes arising out of terms and conditions of Motto Auction or due to the service of Motto Auction towards customers shall be enforced and interpreted in accordance with Thai law.

• The failure of Motto Auction to use or pay for the exercise of rights under these terms and conditions or the contract made between Motto Auction and the client will not be considered a waiver of any right. Motto Auction retains the right to exercise or enforce that right in the future.

• Customers understand that any service provided that requires a reasonable amount of time and goes through the necessary processes customer agrees not to demand damages any expenses or amount for any delay in the process.

• Customers give consent to Motto Auction to inquire, maintain, maintain, share and forward customers' personal information. Including all or part of personal data provided to Motto Auction's business partners as Motto Auction deems necessary and appropriate without additional consent from customers. Customers understand and accept "Motto Auction Privacy Policy". This consent is valid and the customer may not revoke this consent, even if the customer has stopped using the service or terminated the use of the service. Action


• All information, images, or media provided by customers on Motto Auction website is assumed to be true, complete, current, correct, and belonging to customers. Customers are responsible for keeping their personal information accurate and current at all times.

• In what format can Motto Auction organize, collect, manage, share and disseminate customer information. To promote contact among customers and between the customer and Motto Auction. Motto Auction does not guarantee that the information any pictures or media that the customer has provided which is displayed on the Motto Auction website is correct. Motto Auction is not an agent. Partners or act on behalf of customers therefore, Motto Auction is not liable to pay for the loss. Damaged or at any cost arising out of customer data or providing any customer information.

• Customers will not post text, images, video or data in any form. That violates the law, morals, rights of others Or confidential information fake or inaccurate or inappropriate information on Motto Auction website. Customers are prohibited and prohibited from using the Motto website. Motto Auction or any service for illegal purposes or violating the law.

• If Motto Auction finds or is notified that there is information in violation of article 2.3, in any case, Motto Auction reserves the right to remove, delete or restrict access to the data by do not notify customers in advance and Motto Auction has no obligation to pay for any loss or damage.

• Links to other websites are created for the convenience of customers only. And does not mean Motto Auction endorses any products or services offered by the owner of that website.

• เว็บไซต์มอตโต้ อ๊อคชั่น เป็นระบบคอมพิวเตอร์ที่มีมาตรการป้องกันการเข้าถึงโดยเฉพาะ และมาตรการนั้นมีไว้เพื่อรักษาความปลอดภัยและความสมบูรณ์ของระบบ การเข้าถึงระบบหรือข้อมูลคอมพิวเตอร์โดยไม่ได้รับความยินยอมจากมอตโต้ อ๊อคชั่น นั้นผิดพระราชบัญญัติว่าด้วยการกระทำความผิดเกี่ยวกับคอมพิวเตอร์ พ.ศ. 2550

• ลูกค้าจะไม่เปิดเผยมาตรการรักษาความปลอดภัยของเว็บไซต์มอตโต้ อ๊อคชั่น และ/หรือไม่ก่อให้เกิดการหยุดชะงัก การช้าลง การขัดขวางหรือแทรกแซงระบบคอมพิวเตอร์ของมอตโต้ อ๊อคชั่น หรือดักรับ ทำให้เสียหาย ทำลาย แก้ไข รบกวน เปลี่ยนแปลง ถอดรหัส แก้รหัส หยุดการทำงาน หลีกเลี่ยง หลบเลี่ยงหรือเพิ่มเติมข้อมูลคอมพิวเตอร์ หรือทำให้มาตรการที่ได้ติดตั้งหรือใช้ในเว็บไซต์มอตโต้ อ๊อคชั่น ด้อยประสิทธิภาพลง รวมถึงแต่ไม่จำกัดเฉพาะทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาของเว็บไซต์และเนื้อหา

• ลูกค้าจะไม่เก็บหรือรวบรวมข้อมูลหรือข้อมูลติดต่อของลูกค้าคนอื่นไม่ว่าเพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ใดๆ

Intellectual property rights
• All information and content displayed on Motto Auction website includes, but is not limited to, all Motto Auction images, text, images, symbols, videos, sounds, media, graphics, files or content. Or any elements on Motto Auction website that are copyright, patent, trademark, know how or other similar intellectual property. Is the intellectual property that Motto Auction and / or the company Motto Auction (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and / or companies in Motto Auction Group, except the information on Motto Auction website, which other providers of Motto Auction or third parties that Motto Auction joint business owns, is licensed or licensed to use.

• Except in the case of Clause 4.3, customers shall not use, copy, forward, delink, hyperlink, download, display, copy, sell, exchange, sell in the market, exploit, exploit, distribute, distribute, transmit or reproduce the intellectual property of the website or any part thereof. One of Motto Auction websites will take all necessary actions to immediately protect the rights of Motto Auction.

• Customers may only use the information on Motto Auction website for their own reference. Customers can copy information on paper for their own use. Information cannot be copied or distributed or forwarded to other people or other companies in any way or form.

Features and functions on Motto Auction website
• Motto Auction website provides many features and functions to customers. Although many of the services appear on the website, Motto Auction is the only provider of matching features. Motto Auction and its affiliates / partners Of Motto Auction, the remaining service providers.

• The customer agrees to indemnify Motto Auction and will compensate for the actions, claims, expenses, claims, damages or liabilities resulting from violations by customers in the terms and conditions Motto Auction Policy, notifications and / or announcements available on the website and published. Notified and / or distributed elsewhere.

Personal data and privacy policy
• Motto Auction is serious about protecting the privacy of customers of Motto Auction. Customers can view Motto Auction personal data and privacy policy. And details of personal data and privacy policy are part of these terms and conditions.

Privacy Policy of Motto Auction

Welcome to Motto Auction website, operated by Motto Auction (Thailand) Co., Ltd. with affiliates and subsidiaries. (By calling each company or collectively "Motto Auction ", "We", "Us", "Our"). Motto Auction respects the rights of the private of our customers and it is our responsibility to manage, protect and take appropriate action on the personal identity of the person you have provided to us. Our privacy policy ("Privacy Policy" or "Policy") was created from the collection use, disclosure or processing of customer identity and also assist you in making informed decisions before providing us with your personal information. If you have any questions about our policy please contact us through the contact methods on our website.

Personal information or any type of information that can confirm the identity of an owner or is related to that information shall be considered "Personal information" in this policy onwards. We do not consider personal information to include information obtained anonymously or collectively. So that that information can no longer be used for identification whether by using it together with other information or by any other method.

Motto Auction also collects the personal information necessary to provide the service for the benefit of Motto Auction (Thailand) Company Limited ("Motto Auction "), the auction service provider. Sell at auction, moving and other service providers providing many services on our website. Please note that we may send or share your personal information in whole or in part. When necessary to provide services or offer to you from a variety of service providers.

When using Motto Auction service. Registering to visit our website or posting on our website you accept all terms of this privacy policy and you have given us consent to the collection, use, disclosure, storage and protection of your personal information. As stated in this privacy policy if you do not provide the information we need, we may not be able to provide some services to you.

Our privacy policy is governed by privacy data protection law in Thailand we will review and change our privacy policy from time to time. To protect our customers and to comply with any changes to Thai law, we reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time, which is our absolute right without notification. Advance warning But we will notify you if there are any changes in our policy.

How and when do we collect personal information?
We collect, process and collect personal information from you and any devices you may use:

  • When you register and / or use our service or website.
  • When you provide information on the website request form or submit a request form related to our service whether online or via document submission.
  • When you post on our website and / or provide a way to contact on that post.
  • When you post on our website and / or provide a way to contact on that post.
  • When you search for items on our website via Local Storage or by other similar technology.
  • When you enter into any service contract or provide other documents or information when you use our service.
  • When you contact us via telephone, email, letter, fax, social media meeting, or other means of communication.
  • When you have made a transaction through our website.
  • When you give suggestions or complaints to us.
  • When you submit personal information for any reason.

Personal information we collect using Local Storage and similar technologies.
We use Local Storage and similar technology to gather information about your interactions. About our services to help you get a better, faster and more secure experience.

Personal information obtained from other sources We may allow you to distribute information Yes, via online social websites or you may use these websites to create your account. Or in connection with your account with every online social website online social sites may allow us to automatically access your personal information through by connecting your account managed by your social media website to an account on Motto Auction website, you agree that we are able to collect, use and maintain data. Received from online social websites in accordance with this privacy policy.

How do we use your personal information?

We use your personal information to prepare and develop our services. To contact you regarding your account and our services to provide services to you to investigate prevent, mitigate and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities. We also use your personal information for the following purposes.

  • To consider and / or process your request.
  • To present content that may be of interest to you.
  • To receive and send communication.
  • To notify you of services that we believe are of interest to you as long as the law allows.
  • To analyze data.
  • To manage, promote, process, procure and / or supervise your use Or to access our services and websites.
  • To give you access to your search history or personal settings.
  • To process your service request.
  • To enforce terms and conditions Our privacy policy or other agreements.
  • To protect personal safety and property rights and the safety of others.
  • For identification and confirmation.
  • To support and manage software updates And / or other updates That encourages our service to run smoothly.
  • To respond to legal process or to comply with or to any applicable law. Government requirements or legal requirements of relevant state jurisdictions, such as compliance with disclosure requirements as required by law Which binding Motto Option or its affiliates or subsidiaries.
  • To prevent or investigate fraud Misconduct Misuse or illegal activities.
  • In order to store data, back up your personal information. Whether within or outside your jurisdiction and / or.

Any other purpose that we have informed you at the time we request your consent

Each marketing communication we send to you will have a recommendation to allow you to "decline" in receiving future marketing communications. In addition, if at any time you do not want to receive marketing communications in any future or want to delete your name from the mailing list. Please contact us as specified below.

How can you change and update personal information? To ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate and up to date. You are able to access and update the personal information that we have collected to date as follows;

You can access check and change personal information by login to your account.
This is to ensure that you receive the best service possible. We need to know the correct and current information. Other personal information that we do not provide to change you can send a request to us to change the personal information.

How do we protect personal information?
We protect your information by using a variety of security measures to reduce the risk of damage. Access without permission disclosure and forgery of information.
